I wish to share a recent conversation on the subject of faith and works. Some very theoretical theologians seek an artificial—and non-biblical—separation between the two. The presumed differences erected between faith and works by these arguments are seemingly philosophical and semantic, but they lead to very different practices that can mean great differences in real life. I repeat the conversation below, simplified into its chief elements. I will refer to my partner in the conversation as Sam.
Sam: Christianity is divided into faith-based churches and works-based churches.
WAA: I reject that division. I think that it’s artificial, man-made, not God-made. But so that I might understand you better, explain to me what you mean by it.
Sam: Really, there is a difference. There are those who believe that they have to do works to be saved, that by their works they earn salvation and that they need those good works to be saved. We believe that no amount of works can be sufficient to earn salvation, that Christ provides salvation through His grace, and that we receive that grace through faith in Christ, faith alone. Indeed, we think it presumptive of anyone to think that he can somehow earn his way to Christ’s grace. If you could earn it, it wouldn’t be grace—and in any event you would always come up short.
WAA: I would suggest then, that either there is no difference between what you and I believe on this matter, or you yourself do not believe in what you are saying.
Sam: How do mean?
WAA: Just this. You say in effect that we cannot earn Christ’s grace, that if we do, it would not be grace, that believing is the essential thing and that it is enough.
Sam: That is correct.
WAA: What does belief involve? Can I believe and still swindle my neighbor?
Sam: No, if you are swindling your neighbor, then you probably don’t really believe.
WAA: So it seems that you agree with James, the brother of Jesus, that there is a connection between faith and works. He was the one who taught that our faith is shown by our works.
Sam: But it is the faith that saves, not the works.
WAA: I would agree with that, taking faith in its wholeness. For it is clear that the two are connected, that faith and works are not irrelevant to each other. As James says, without the works there is no faith. Faith without works is dead (James 2:20, 26). But I will go even so far as to say that any good works are good, because they are a demonstration of faith, a demonstration of what you believe. I think that you believe that, too. You act like you do.
Sam: How do you mean?
WAA: You go to church regularly?
Sam: Yes.
WAA: You obey laws, you are kind to your neighbors, you are loyal to your wife and family. All of that is true?
Sam: Yes, all true. But I make plenty of mistakes and have my share of unkind thoughts in the course of the day.
WAA: I think that you are making my point. Why do you do the good that you do—acknowledging that you are otherwise prone to live not so good if you just let yourself go—why do you overcome those unkind thoughts and act kindly?
Sam: Because it would be wrong to be unkind.
WAA: Why? Measured by what? Measured by Christ’s commandments, especially Christ’s two great commandments, to love God and to love your neighbor.
Sam: I can’t argue with that. But by my faith in Christ I am saved, no matter how many good works I do.
WAA: Is that so? Do you really believe that? Do you think that you would be saved if you were cruel to your wife and unkind to your children, swindled your neighbor, cheated your employer? If you stopped going to church, neglected your duties?
Sam: As I said, that would show a lack of faith.
WAA: Exactly. We are saved by our faith because our faith is part of our works. You cannot have faith without it revealing itself. You cannot hide your faith. Faith shows itself in good works. God has spent a lot of time and effort giving us commandments to show us the path of goodness. You have to disregard a large part of the Bible if you assume that commandments and keeping them is not important. It seems important to God. Your good actions—measured by their consistency with God’s commandments—demonstrate your faith in the giver of those commandments.
Sam: But it is never enough. We cannot do enough to merit salvation. The apostle John taught that whoever claims to be without sin is deceiving himself (1 John 1:8).
WAA: That is true. That is precisely why we need a Savior. Christ knows that we would never do enough. But that is no reason to stop trying. There are many things that I have not mastered but that I keep trying to master. For a righteous person driven by faith, falling short is incentive to get up and try harder, having faith that Christ will help you to do better, that with His help you can do better. The Master of all takes our very best efforts, however imperfect, and makes them perfect. He makes up the difference, in fact draws us on and helps us to narrow the difference. And He makes our efforts worthwhile with faith that the Savior will add the necessary finishing touches.
Sam: But only for those who believe in Him.
WAA: Again, we agree. Because we believe in Him, we try to be like Him, we do what He asks. Through our works we show Him—and perhaps show to ourselves—our faith. Or, as John taught, through our works of obedience we reveal that we love God and make that love real (1 John 2:3-6; 5:3). It is to those who have faith in Him, who love Him, in real life and living practice, that He extends His grace and salvation. We may not earn salvation, but in this way we qualify for it by meeting the conditions set by the Savior. The ancient American prophet, Nephi, explained it this way: “reconcile yourselves to the will of God, and not to the will of the devil and the flesh; and remember, after ye are reconciled unto God, that it is only in and through the grace of God that ye are saved.” (2 Ne. 10:24)
Sam: I still think that we disagree.
WAA: It is only if you try to separate faith and works that we will disagree. James described it in a powerful metaphor. He said that as the spirit and body united give life to the body and when separated the body is dead, so faith and works, when separated, become dead also (James 2:14-20, 26). So, we are saved by faith if you mean the faith that produces the works of complying with God’s commandments. If you do not, then your faith is dead and cannot save you because it does not help you to become better. What good is that kind of faith? It is of no value at all. It is the faith of the devils, as James explained (James 2:19), who have known the Savior from before the beginning of time. But God is the God of life and the living, and if your faith is alive it will lead you to the Source of all life, even to God the Father. As Jesus taught, “if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.” (Matt. 19:17)
The conversation continues, but I will leave it there, for now.
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